


Servo Systems

TTC technologies offer wide variety of custom designed servo-based systems for automating motion tasks in different environments.


Legacy System Upgrade

One of TTC Technologies specialties is the upgrade of legacy systems using modern up to date technologies, we offer a functional upgrade solutions as a drop in replacement for Inservice systems to extended its operational life.


Robotic System

The integration of FPGAs , Embedded systems , advance mechanical systems design and software development , has allowed TTC Technologies to offer custom robotic solution upon request.


Automated Platforms

Automated platforms such as PAN TILT heads with precise position and speed control are offered by TTC Technologies for special application  and solutions.


Remotely Controlled Platforms

TTC Technologies offer remote control solutions for different platforms using wireless, wired or fiber optic links according to system requirements.

Command & Control


GIS Based Tracking System

TTC Technologies has its unique custom solution for GIS based tracking systems based on GNSS receivers and customizable mapping software.


Surveillance System

TTC Technologies offer surveillance systems using variety  of components from different vendors such as IP cameras , LWIR, MWIR , SWIR thermal camera, analog Camera and Laser range finders.


Command & Control Centers

Mobile or stationary Command and Control centers are offered by TTC Technologies to meet customer’s needs. With integrated data center to interface with diverse network types for a true situation awareness solution.

  • 47 Nabil El wakad st, Ard El Golf, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt
  • (+202) 22917103 – (+202) 24176537/8
  • (+202) 22902696

Support available 24 hours a day

Sun to Thu8AM - 6PM